The Power of a Positive Word

Business ownership can be a solitary existence, and I don’t believe it should be.

Somewhere along the lines of ‘mummy-business’ entrepreneurship (or the wonderful term ‘Mum-preneur’) we’ve lost the social, chat over the fence, build friendships in real life thing that makes business so wonderful.

OMG! Epiphany… maybe the reason we struggle as modern women and mothers in business is because we spend so much time behind our computers, we’ve forgotten what it is to ACTUALLY connect!

All of this ramble brings me to the beginning of my pondering…

Earlier today a gorgeous business owning mother, with incredible hot red lipstick and stunning silver hair took the time to comment on my business, she sat next to me and complimented me on the work I am doing… (I’m a professional photographer as well as caffeinated mother) … she saw me! She reminded me that I am not un-noticed in what I am building as my business… and that, as a woman who does spend a lot of time behind a computer, and a camera, and after 20 odd years in the industry feels a little lost sometimes.

The simple and beautiful act of genuine words brought me to this present moment, it had me in the here and now, she grounded my feet firmly and reminded me that I exist, in the real life, in the now, and I am seen.

… and I responded… “Thank You!” … hand on heart … “thank you.”

As mothers we can be so quick to tear ourselves down, or tear others down, to look at others with envy and come from a place of ‘have not’ and of jealousy… and that serves no one, it breeds more of the same.

The power of a positive word is that it breeds, that moment, that compliment breeds more of the same positivity. The mood changes, the energy is altered and we can come from a place of gratitude, and love.

“There’s a difference between wanting to be looked at and wanting to be seen.

When you are looked at, your eyes can stay blissfully closed. You suck energy, you steal the spotlight.

When you are seen, your eyes must be open, as you are seeing and recognising your witness. You accept energy and you generate energy.


One is exhibitionism, the other is connection.

Not everybody wants to be looked at.

Everybody wants to be SEEN.”

Amanda Palmer – The Art of Asking

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